The Good Shepherd Appeal
Good Shepherd Appeal has a long-standing tradition in our Diocese, and is
historically the key fundraising initiative for Caritas (formerly known as Hallam
Caring Services). Caritas is the social action arm of the Diocese of Hallam.
Although Caritas supports around 150 different projects around the Diocese, this
year’s Good Shepherd Appeal is primarily to fundraise for its Counselling Services.
These services are used by children and their families, schools, and adults of all
ages. During the Pandemic, and with the help of the National Lottery, Caritas has
been able to offer free professional Counselling to anyone who has needed it.
For this reason, the theme of this year’s Good Shepherd Appeal is:
Good Mental Health.
For this year’s Appeal, we are encouraged to :
- Think about our mental health.
- Bring the message of the Gospel to the heart of good mental health.
- Have fun !
With this in mind we have had three extra special days in school to end our term.
On Wednesday, the children were taken into church. Mrs George led each class in understanding the Way of the Cross, using the beautiful Stations of the Cross in St Joseph’s Church.

On Thursday, the children were" mindful and prayerful." Every child was given a special "Positive Journal," to decorate and start to write in. Classes also thought about showing gratitude. Our KS2 children also completed the Good Shepherd Rosary Challenge.

Finally, today the children have had great fun looking after both their mental and physical health.
The day started with a very high energy assembly led by Mr Findler, which definitely put everyone in the mood for this exciting day. The children then completed different physical activities throughout the day.

One of the main objectives of this appeal is to raise much needed funds. We shall be carrying out a number of charity events when we return to school after our Easter break