Another wonderful week in school. The children have all been extremely busy.
Nursery : Matilda : being a fantastic helper, a kind friend and beautiful writing.
Reception : Ava for making a huge improvement in her writing and her confidence in phonics.
Year 1: Huzaifah has been working really hard in his phonics, reading and writing with Mrs Parker, improving every day!
Year 2 : Rebekah for her fantastic attitude to all assessments this week.
Year 3: Theo, for his excellent reading this week.
Year 4: Phoebe — For having a good attitude to learning and being a really kind, helpful friend!
Year 5: Polly. She has persevered during our very tricky reasoning test and has done exceptionally well — amazing effort Polly!
Year 6: Dominik for working really hard recently, making great contributions to class and reading group discussions and being resilient and resourceful!