Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to the start of an exciting autumn term. Welcome also to all of our new children and families, who are joining us for the first time. It has been lovely to see the children all looking so smart in their school uniforms. They have all settled well into their new classes. The transition day that we had last term, has really put us in good stead and means that children will be straight into their learning this week.
We welcome our new members of staff to St Joseph’s family, Miss Addlestone and Mrs Dungworth. We also welcome back Mrs Wilson, who has returned from maternity leave
This year there will be more opportunities for your child to take part in extra-curricular activities both within the school day and after school. Information will be sent out to you shortly.
As last year you will be very soon invited to meet your child’s class teacher. You will have an opportunity to find out the routines and expectations of their new year group and share any queries you may have.
As always should you have any concerns or issues, then please do not hesitate to contact the school office to make an appointment to see either your child’s class teacher or myself.
I look forward to seeing you in school soon,
With thanks for your continued support,
Mrs D. McFarlane