At St Joseph’s, we know how important reading is, and we foster this by ensuring that we have a rich variety of reading experiences for every child in all year groups. It is important that this is also the case at home.
The Department for Education states 'Nothing is more important in education than ensuring that every child can read well. Pupils who can read are overwhelmingly more likely to succeed at school, achieve good qualifications, and subsequently enjoy a fulfilling and rewarding career. Those who cannot will find themselves at constant disadvantage.'
With this in mind we want 'Reading For Pleasure' to be a real focus for our children, both in school and at home. Our staff are going to be taking part in an online course that looks at nurturing children’s reading, gaining knowledge and strategies to help promote reading for pleasure across schools, homes and communities. This is a free online course that is also available to parents and carers.
As COVID-19 restrictions are beginning to ease, we are hoping that we will soon be able to invite parents back into school to be our ‘reading volunteers,’ who will read with groups of children or 1:1 to offer our children more opportunities to read aloud and discuss the texts that they are reading.
This online Reading For Pleasure course is a ‘badged course,’ so offers acknowledgement of course completion. We would love some of our ‘reading volunteers’ to have this badge, so they can put into practise what they have learned and offer really valuable knowledge and insight about reading to our children in school, but also to their own children at home.
If you are interested in taking part in this course (there are 8 sessions) and becoming a reading volunteer, you will find the link below so you can sign up. If you choose to sign up for this course, please email Mrs Loveridge (eloveridge@st-josephs.sheffield.sch.uk) so we are able to see how many of our parents/carers have chosen to take part.
We think that this is an invaluable opportunity for our whole school community to become more actively involved in reading with our children.