Calling all parents/carers
We are looking for any unloved, unused or spare Lego or Duplo. Lego sets that still have the instructions (for the really organised out there)
The Lego collected would be used as part of SEN Lego therapy, for indoor playtime as we approach the bad weather season. Duplo would be great for Early Years too. Lego is to be added to a “class calm box” to help the kids in that class if they are struggling and need a break.
LEGO® Therapy can support children with any form of social, communication or developmental concern, for example those with mild learning difficulties, language delays or difficulties with fine motor skill coordination.
Classes will be set up to receive donations from the first day back after Half-Term.
If donations could be bagged up and brought to their class and when a class' box is full, we will let you know.
It would be helpful for donations to be Lego and not own brand equivalents, so that there aren't pieces that don't fit together mixed in.
With many thanks .