Upcoming Events and Important Dates
Wed 21st June - Y1 Fathers Day Treat 2:30pm
Thurs 22nd June - Y5 visit to Sheffield Cathedral
Tues 27th June - KS2 Francophone Day (please note change of date)
Thurs 29th June - Parent coffee morning 9 - 10am
Thurs 29th June - Feast of St Peter and St Paul Mass at 10am
Wed 5th July - Sports Day
Tues 11th July - Padley Schools Pilgrimage
Wed 12th July - Y6 Crucial Crew
Wed 12th July - Y1 rescheduled visit to Weston Park Museum
Thurs 13th July - Art Show
Mon 17th July - The Tempest
Tues 18th July - Y6 Prom
Thurs 20th July - End of year Mass at 2pm
Thurs 20th July - Last day of term