Year 1
Year 1 Class Information: Summer Term 2023
Welcome to Year 1!
This term the Year 1 team is made up of Mrs Trewick, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Parker and Mrs Fiddler.
Welcome back, we hope you have had a wonderful Easter and are ready for our final term together!
Our Year 1 Classroom:
Our Summer Topic is: Once upon a time...
In this topic we will make cross curricular links with History, DT and English. At the end of the topic we will be able to celebrate our work with you and our creations with an Art show- so look out for this date! TBC
We will start the topic off with a celebration of the Coronation and look at Kings and Queens of the past. We will then look at Castles and discover links with Sheffield Castles. We will also be linking lots of our learning with our English and doing lots of storytellings and writing of traditional tales. The more stories you read at home the better it will really help your child's imagination. We might even write some fantasy stories where we might meets dragons and other magical creatures.
Maths: Please see below some overviews of the topics we will be covering.
RE: Holidays/Holy Days, Being Sorry and Neighbours are the titles of the topics we will be learning about.
PSHE: We will be continuing lots of work around keeping safe including around the home, safe relationships, and ourselves growing and changing as we begin to prepare for transition into Y2.
Music: The children listen and appraise music and enjoy finding the pulse!
PE: On Tuesdays in Real P.E. we will begin to explore the fundamentals of movement using personal skills and social skills. On Wednesdays we will use Real PE and focus on gymnastic skills. Please come to school in full PE kit on these days.
Reading - Children will bring home 3 books per week.
One book will be a copy of the phonics linked book they have read in school and should be confident and familiar with.
One book will be an unfamiliar book but with similar and familiar vocabulary as the book from school.
The third book will be a 'book to share' which your child will have chosen for themselves from our class collection. This book is not expected to be read independently by any child, but is for sharing at a story time with an older sibling or adult.
Books must be returned weekly on a Friday so that we can exchange for updated books and to ensure your child's progression through the scheme.
Home Learning
Children will receive their home learning menu in their home learning books at the start of the term. The activities will be linked to the different things we will be covering throughout the term. Home learning books will be collected in at the end of the term, so you can work on them at your own pace.
Learning with Parents: Topics will be uploaded every week, that correlate to what the children learn in school. You can access the website here
If you have any problems accessing Learning with Parents, please let a member of the Year 1 team know.