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St Joseph's Academy

St. Joseph's
Catholic Academy

School Uniform

The school uniform is a distinctive feature of St. Joseph's, one which we are extremely proud of. It helps to unite us as a school family and give us our special identity.

To keep costs low whilst keeping our children looking smart, parents are asked to buy plain uniform from whichever supplier they choose, then add the School Badge, School Tie (and book bag) which can be purchased from the school via the SchoolGateway


School Uniform 

Green V Necked Knitted Cardigan/Jumper with School Badge - required
White Cotton Shirt with collar suitable for a tie -  required
School Tie - required
Tailored Grey Trousers/Shorts/Grey Pinafore/Grey Skirt - Knee Length  - required
Green Gingham Dress - Knee Length - optional in summer 
Socks/Tights  -  Grey or White - required 
Black Sensible Shoes (No Trainers No Boots No Sandals) - required 

PE Kit 

Gold Polo Shirt - required 
Green PE Shorts (not Cycling Shorts) - required 

Black Indoor PE Pumps/black trainers - required 

Black Jogging Bottoms (not leggings) - optional in winter 
Green Round necked Sweatshirt with School Badge - required 
Black Trainers or white trainers (no patterns or logos) - required 

  Children should come to school wearing their PE Kit on their PE Day.