Nursery November Fun!
Anti bullying, Road safety, Tradional Stories and Ice sculptures- Busy times in Nursery!
Nursery have been taking part in lots of new learning over the past few weeks. We started off the half term welcoming some new friends to Nursery and have been reading some traditional tales, learning how a story starts and ends. The children have been great at retelling the stories and becoming the various charcaters, especially the big bad wolf! They have also enjoyed trying Baby Bear's porridge and choosing various toppings.
We have also been wearing our odd socks in support of anti bullying week, where we discussed how to be kind and its good to be different. This week we have been learning the important message of road safety using our 'Nursery road' to practice the road rules of STOP, LOOK, LISTEN, THINK! The children have loved recreating the roles of crossing patrol officers, road engineers and emergency services.
We have also been embracing the cold weather by making our very own ice sculptures using ice cubes. We looked at the work of artist Andy Goldsworthy for inspiration and tried to create our own winter art using natural materials.
Next stop Advent and Christmas! Get ready to hear our Nativity songs from Whoops a Daisy Angel...