Sports For Champions

Today we were visited by Great British high jumper, David Smith, who came in to put us through some tough training circuits before giving us a presentation on himself and his career.
Each class from Nursery to Year 6 took part in the training circuits, which consisted of spotty dogs, press ups, leg drives and star jumps. There were some red faces and racing heart rates by the end of the session!
The effort from everyone was amazing not only from the activities, but prior to this with fundraising! We are glad to announce that as a school we managed to raise just over £1,900! Prizes will be given in assembly on Friday for individuals fundraising efforts.
A small portion of this amount will go back to Sports For Champions to help them provide more fantastic opportunities for other schools across the country, 40% will go to David Smith to help provide funding to further his career, and 60% will be used by St. Joseph's to raise the profile of sport and activity in our school. Stay tuned to hear what this fundraising will go towards.