
Week Beginning 28.01.19
Last week two eggs were discovered in our classroom and a letter from Mr. Marshall. He said that the eggs had travelled with him and he asked us to look after them. We have been taking good care of them and wrote some warning posters last week. He has asked us to tell him if anything happens to them. This week we are going to be looking at letter writing. We are also learning lots about dinosaurs and we are going to be making our own information book all about dinosaurs.
In maths we will be looking at ways to solve number problems, investigating ordinal numbers and we will be moving on to addition and subtraction. This week we will be using the star words:
Star Words (Key Vocabulary): first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, last, next, before, after, between, first, then, now, plus, equal to, take away,
This week we are going to be making our own dinosaur eggs using paper mache, if you have any spare newspaper at home can you send this in with your child.
If you have any cardboard recycling that can be used for junk modelling please can you bring these in for our dinosaur models, these will be made at the end of our topic.
The “show and tell” happens on Friday afternoon and the items can be anything including drawing, writing, or a toy. However, they should be linked to our current topic of dinosaurs to ensure we maximise full learning.