Reception 21/1/19

This week something very exciting will arrive on Monday. We will be discussing this and making predictions
We are going to be learning all about the different types of dinosaurs and using descriptive language. We will be using non-fiction books to research different types of dinosaurs.
In maths we are exploring one more and one greater, one less and one fewer to 10. We will be looking at ways to solve number problems and investigating ordinal numbers. This week we will be using the star words:
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, same, different, eight, altogether, nine, ten, one more, one greater, one less, one fewer, order, greater, greatest, more, less, increasing, decreasing First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, last, next, before, after, between
In Phonics we are securing set 1 and moving on to set 2 sounds and working on remembering our tricky words. We will also be focussing on making sentences. Please keep looking at the high frequency and tricky words as part of your child’s reading at home.
If you have any cardboard recycling that can be used for junk modelling please can you bring these in for our dinosaur models.
The “show and tell” happens on Friday afternoon and the items can be anything including drawing, writing, or a toy. However, they should be linked to our current topic of dinosaurs to ensure we maximise full learning.