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St Joseph's Academy

St. Joseph's
Catholic Academy

Reception 16.9.19

Wow what a brilliant start to Reception! We are so proud of everyone and how they have settled into Reception and a big thank you to all our supportive parents!! We have already had such a busy start and this week is looking to be even busier! This week we are continuing to settle into Reception following our new routines and our new school rules. We will be talking about how we are the same and how we are different using the book “We Are All Different” by Twinkl.

On Monday we are starting Set 1 phonics and we will be learning 4 new sounds this week. We will have lots of opportunities to practice our new sounds during the day and we will be bringing some things home to practice as well.

In maths we are going to be starting our maths meetings, these are short, daily sessions that are used to consolidate key learning. They are very interactive, and we sing lots of songs and chants throughout!

On Friday I sent home reading books with everyone, these will be changed this week. Please can you ensure that you are filling in your child’s reading record to let us know how they got on? I will be sending home library books this coming week, and these will also be changed once a week.

P.E. takes place on Tuesday; please can you ensure that your child has a P.E. kit on Tuesday. Where possible please can you encourage your child to dress themselves and show them how to get in and out of their school uniform and shoes.

More information on the above and more will be discussed during our “Meet the Teacher” meeting this Tuesday 17th at 4:30pm.