St Josephs Prayer
I have come that you may have life and have it to the full
Monday 6th January. Due to the overnight conditions across Sheffield and the continuing severe weather, the decision has been made to close school today . We expect school to reopen as normal tomorrow.
Christmas Day We wish you all a very happy and holy Christmas. From all at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Day 24: The Baby Jesus: Jesus Is Born! {Day 25} Christmas Day (Year 2) This Advent season we have been celebrating God’s own Son being born into our world in Bethlehem. We have been looking at how we need a Good Shepherd to bring us back to God.
Day 23: The (Empty) Manger: Jesus the Servant King After Jesus was born, Mary wrapped him in cloths and lay him down in a manger. The humble way that Jesus was born was the same way that he would live his whole life. Jesus came as a king, but as a king who serves his people.
Day 22: Gifts #2: Why Do We Give Gifts at Christmas? (Reception) Part of our celebration of Jesus’ birth is that we give Christmas presents to each other. We give presents because it is the time when we remember the greatest gift ever given. God gave us Jesus, his only Son!
Day 21: Gifts #1: The Wise Men Bring Gifts to Jesus the King (Year 6) When the wise men followed the star to find God’s great king, they brought some gifts to give to the baby. They gave him gifts because they knew that Jesus was God’s great king and they wanted to honour him.
Day 20: The Camel: The Wise Men Come to Jesus (Year 5) When they saw the special star that God put in the sky to announce the birth of his Son, the wise men began a long journey to find him. They travelled until they came to Herod and asked him where to find Jesus
Day 19: The Third Wise Man: The Whole World Needs to Hear About Jesus (Year 4) The wise men remind us that the baby Jesus would become a great king who would rule over the whole world. God wants everyone in the world to know that Jesus is his Son & he was born to bring salvation.
Day 18: The Star: Jesus’ Birth Is a Cosmic Event (Year 3) To show how important Jesus’ birth was, God put a new and unusual star in the sky over the place where he was born. The star was shining out to announce to the whole earth that Jesus had come.